Monday, September 12, 2016

Become Your Own Matchmaker- Chapters 1 & 2

Last week I let y'all know that I was reading Patti Stanger's "Become Your Own Matchmaker" and that I would let you know how that is going.  I decided instead of a book review at the end, I will catch you up every few chapters.  I think there are eight total so it shouldn't be spread out too much.  I am in the middle of chapter 3 currently and I must admit I am ready to pull my ever loving hair out.

Chapter one was all about the method to and reasons behind a dating detox.  Well, if you are any self respecting type of woman you already know how to put yourself on a dating detox.  Most of us call it being burnt out, exhausted or just tired of the bull shit.  In addition to that, Patti goes on a rant about how she isn't going to sugar coat it, but you need to lose that extra 20 pounds are you are basically repulsive to all men.  In that moment I became completely infuriated.  I don't know if it was the way she said, what she was implying or the way I took it, but I was not pleased.  The book was set down and it was extremely difficult for me to pick it back up and finish chapter 1 which I eventually did.

 Patti also advises you to imagine your wedding day and that is perfectly ok to not know the man you'll marry, just visualize his silhouette....  Um ya, so about that.  If I knew who I was going to marry I wouldn't have bought the damn book.  Additionally, you told me to clean out all thoughts of all men I have ever dated, had a crush on, etc, and now I am allowed to think about marrying them?  Makes me think Patti might be bat shit crazy.  Another lesson from chapter 1, that I loved, is the idea of the 5 different worlds such as: spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual, and financial.  Basically you have to figure out which one is most like you.  Mine is intellectual and emotional with a side pf physical.

Chapter two was all about the looks and what does and doesn't draw men in.  "Your smile is your calling card"... so it better be whiter than freshly fallen snow.  Patti also talks about weight, exercise, and eating healthy.  For some reason, chapter two didn't bother me as much as the weight statement in chapter 1 did.  It may be because I remembered she is all about matchmaking millionaires and requires perfection from her club members or maybe she wasn't as harsh...  I can't decide.

I do know that I am drawing HUGE conclusions regarding any type of self help/ romance books which I will share when I finish this book and the reviews.

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